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ALC Power Overshoot to Amplifier
Power overshoot Amplifier
Regarding overshoot from transceivers problem out of the box, and this problem is very
apparent with certain amplifiers like the SPE-OM-Acom and more models (overdrive warnings and PEP spikes especially on SSB).
With this modification ,even at the 10W power setting will spike at 100W for a few milliseconds, luckily there is a solution!.
A simple external ALC modification solutions which 100% resolves the problem entirely (simple pot circuit to provide voltage via a 9 V battery to the ALC Jack) and you can completely control overshoot when driving an external amplifier which has no built in ALC controle ( such as Acom 1000/1010 SPE OM etc)
We use to suggest feeding a low adjustable negative voltage to the transceiver's ALC input.
This voltage have to be adjusted to the maximum output power of the radio that is acceptable by the amplifier.
See the attached circuit,another type of a battery can be used als well, the resistor and pot values also could be changed according to the transmitter ALC input response,it should be made in a way that the adjustment is smooth and not touchy.
We are making a smal box with a RCA Jack and a smal hole for the adjustable pot.
Or you can make it your self.
George PA8GB