T: +31(0)181-410523 T:+31(0)622247606
Voorstraat 47 Brielle NL
Open Mon-Fri 9:00-17:30
Sat 10:00-17:00
GB Dipole 10m Band
GB Dipole 10m Band
GB Dipole 10m 28.000-30.000MHz
Power:SSB 500W Pep
Long:5,20m (16,5ft)
Wire:Steel with pvc coat
SO239 conn
Option: For more power 1,0 kw ore 2,5kw you need the special Balun 1.8-30MHz ore 1,6-54Mhz see website.
When you put the dipole into V form you have to short it with 5%
Beware if you from Danmark the VAT are 25% we must charge you extra also Zweden/ Norway 25% Finland 25,5 % Greece 24% Hungary 27%