T: +31(0)181-410523 T:+31(0)622247606
Voorstraat 47 Brielle NL
Open Mon-Fri 9:00-17:30
Sat 10:00-17:00
- On sale!
Transmitting Tube PL509-PL519-40KG6A
Transmitting Tube PL509-40KG6
Transmitting Tube PL509/40KG6A for replacement.
You can take this tube for replacement if you have no PL519
This tubes are ready to go.
I you have NOS tubes for Replacement you must put for 12 hr on pin 4 and 5 a 6Volt DC current on (2,5amp)
Than you can put this into the amplifier.
Or put it into the amplifier without the high voltage on just the normal current in standby mode for 12 hr, than you can put the HV on the tube.
Test with littel power drive de output power.
Tube information:
Size Long:124,7mm
Wide: 30,7mm
9 Pin connection
Anode cap connection 6mm
For KLV 200-350-400-1000-1000P Amplifier
BV 2001 MK4 Zetagi
Heating Voltage 40Volts
Heating Current 0,3 amp
Plate to Grid 2,5pF 3.0 pF max
Input 37pF
Output 18,5pF
Plate Volt Min Max During
Plate Volt 50 160 7000V
Beam Plate V 0 0 0
Grid No2 V 175 160 175V
Grid No1 V -10 0 -185V
Plate Current 800 1400 <0,05mA
Grid No2 Current 70 45 -mA
We ship this with inscurance transport