T: +31(0)181-410523 T:+31(0)622247606
Voorstraat 47 Brielle NL
Open Mon-Fri 9:00-17:30
Sat 10:00-17:00
Transmitting Acom Svetlana Tubes MP GU74B 4CX800A
Transmitting Acom Tubes MP GU74B
Beware if you from Danmark the VAT are 25% we must charge you 4 % extra also Norway 25% Finland 24% Greece 24% Hungary 27%
Transmitting MP Tubes GU74B NOS ( 4XC800A) 1,8-54 MHz 800Watt (150Watt VHF) from Svetlana
For Acom 2000A-2000A-Alpin-Eto
Also for differnd Amplifiers
Delivery:Direct from stock
Photo tube only for show.
This are direct ready to go into the amplifier.
Warranty :3mnd on factory mistake.
No VAT on spare parts
Transportcost PostNL Europa Insurance:
Transportcost PostNL World Insurance:
We have a speciaal Gettering box for the tubes for conditioning of the vacuum
Also new MP from Electron call for delivery.
Name: GU74B / GU-74B = 4CX800
Type: tetrode
Cathode type: oxide, indirect heating
Application field: power amplification in broadcasting and SSB equipment
Brief application: amplification
Envelope: metall-ceramic
Cooling method: forced air
Dimensions: 90mm x 71mm
Mass: 0.55 kg
Filament voltage: 12.6 V
Filament current: 3.3 - 3.9 A
Mutual conductance: 26 to 38 mA/V
Output power: 0.8 kW
Maximum anode voltage: 2kV/4kV in peak
Maximum operating frequency: 150MHz